Preserving African Languages through Technology: A Conversation with Olanrewaju Samuel, Founder of Linguistics Island, a Community for Linguists.

Preserving African Languages through Technology: A Conversation with Olanrewaju Samuel, Founder of Linguistics Island, a Community for Linguists.

Preserving African Languages through Technology: A Conversation with Olanrewaju Samuel, Founder of Linguistics Island, a Community for Linguists. Kabod is a language service provider  that specialises in providing quality language services in African languages as well as other Western languages. Our primary goal is to elevate African culture through our languages. Mr. Olanrewaju Samuel is …

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Kabod Language Services is your trusted partner in breaking down communication barriers.

Are you looking to expand your reach to new people and markets?  Look no further!  Kabod Language Services is your trusted partner in breaking down communication barriers. Our expert team is equipped to handle : •⁠  ⁠Expert Translation and Interpretation •⁠  ⁠Precise Transcription and Voiceover •⁠  ⁠Tailored Localization and Transcreation •⁠  ⁠Seamless Subtitling Services •⁠  …

Read moreKabod Language Services is your trusted partner in breaking down communication barriers.

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTION | Afrolinguals Magazine – Kabod Group

Afrolinguals Magazine is excited to announce the upcoming release of our inaugural issue and we are inviting Language Service Providers (LSPs), including translators, interpreters, linguists and language professionals, to contribute their expertise and insights.   As a quarterly publication, Afrolinguals aims to be a valuable resource for LSPs in Africa and beyond, providing the latest industry …

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Call for Volunteer_Community Manager_ALATT-MATI

Call for Volunteer: Community manager for ALATT & MATI Communities of Practice

Call for Volunteer: Community manager for ALATT & MATI Communities of Practice Company : Kabod Language Services Job Title : Community Manager Location : Remote Duration : Ongoing Position Overview Kabod Language Services is seeking a passionate individual to serve as Community Manager for our Marketplace of African Language Translators & Interpreters (MATI) initiative and …

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Increasing the offer of KM education and certifications in African Universities – A Conversation with Prof. Madeleine Fombad

In a recent episode of the Kabod Group podcast series, a compelling conversation took place between Professor Madeleine Fombad, a distinguished figure in the field as a Professor of Knowledge Management at the University of South Africa, and Christian Elongue, the Managing Director of Kabod Group. The emphasis was on the role of Knowledge Management (KM) in Africa and the critical need to amplify its presence as a discipline across the continent while also strengthening partnerships between academia, industry, and policymakers.

Turning Data into Knowledge: The Value of Customer Feedback for SME Growth in Ghana 

Turning Data into Knowledge: The Value of Customer Feedback for SME Growth in Ghana  How Ghanaian companies can use customer feedback to boost their growth?  Turning Data into Knowledge: The Value of Customer Feedback for SME Growth in Ghana  How Ghanaian companies can use customer feedback to boost their growth?  Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) …

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Together, we will shape the future of knowledge management, eLearning, and language services

Together, we will shape the future of knowledge management, eLearning, and language services 

As we pause to reflect on the momentous milestones achieved in 2023, I stand at the threshold of a future rich with promise and potential. Our dedication to providing top-tier consulting and training services in knowledge management, eLearning, and languages has firmly established Kabod Group as a force to be reckoned with in the industry. …

Read moreTogether, we will shape the future of knowledge management, eLearning, and language services