Why do African-based businesses need to communicate more in African Languages? – Ntombovuyo Ngaphu.  

The language industry in Africa is full of untapped opportunities. Kabod has ventured on a journey of identifying, documenting and highlighting inspiring stories and innovative projects from entrepreneurs, researchers and freelancers in the translation, interpretation and natural language processing communities. The final goal is to celebrate African professionals in the language industry and facilitate knowledge …

Read moreWhy do African-based businesses need to communicate more in African Languages? – Ntombovuyo Ngaphu.  

How can Ghana (Africa) make the learning of local languages more accessible, affordable and attractive? 

On November 25th, 2022, Kabod Language Services organised its first Talk on the theme ‘The relevance of African Languages in our field of work’. Panellists were: Ms Ady Namaran Coulibaly, Co-Founder and Operations Manager of Bolingo and Mr Stephen Kwadwo Boateng, founder of iTranscribe Consult. The talk debuted with an open discussion on how to …

Read moreHow can Ghana (Africa) make the learning of local languages more accessible, affordable and attractive? 


10 African authors writing only in African languages

KIRE, MAGÎTÛKORA, MAGÎTÛOROTA Mokire na mîtokaa mîkururaniona thuti hûre bathina iratû njiru ta ndumana thaa irametameta. Magîtûkora tumîte ibarûana mathîna maitû ng’ong’oona mîatuka itû magûrûinîNa ndangari iria tûîkîraga. Makîîarîrîa na thiomi cia rûrayamagîtûorotaga ithuî andû ethîmakiuga ati mîthiîre ituTi ûmwe na ûndûire witû. This piece is a Kikuyu poem both written and translated into English …

Read more10 African authors writing only in African languages

Why did Mandla get 75k users in less than a year of being launched with no marketing spend ? – Wenitte Apiou

The language industry in Africa is full of untapped opportunities. Kabod has ventured on a journey of identifying, documenting and highlighting inspiring stories and innovative projects from entrepreneurs, researchers and freelancers in the translation, interpretation and natural language processing communities. The final goal is to celebrate African professionals in the language industry and facilitate knowledge …

Read moreWhy did Mandla get 75k users in less than a year of being launched with no marketing spend ? – Wenitte Apiou

Why you must stop being a general translator and find your niche – Laetitia Sullivan from South Africa.

The language industry in Africa is full of untapped opportunities. Kabod has ventured on a journey of identifying, documenting and highlighting inspiring stories and innovative projects from entrepreneurs, researchers and freelancers in the translation, interpretation and natural language processing communities. The final goal is to celebrate African professionals in the language industry and facilitate knowledge …

Read moreWhy you must stop being a general translator and find your niche – Laetitia Sullivan from South Africa.

Why you must never stop learning as a medical interpreter- Abdikadir Adan from Kenya.

The language industry in Africa is full of untapped opportunities. Kabod has ventured on a journey of identifying, documenting and highlighting inspiring stories and innovative projects from entrepreneurs, researchers and freelancers in the translation, interpretation and natural language processing communities. The final goal is to celebrate African professionals in the language industry and facilitate knowledge …

Read moreWhy you must never stop learning as a medical interpreter- Abdikadir Adan from Kenya.