Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Continuous Learning

  • Content Curation: Content curation eases the ability of people to easily search for information that enables them to perform efficiently.  We help you develop content that aligns with your clients needs, encourages learners and is flexible enough to permit them to manage other tasks properly.
  • Self-Directed Learning: We understand the challenges that sometimes arise from independent learning. We use a stepwise process to facilitate this form of learning where we assess learners’ readiness to learn, help them set learning goals, engage them in the learning process, and finally evaluate the whole process. To ensure that learners fully engage in learning, we provide performance support tools (interactive videos, animations etc) which improve their retention and recall levels. 
  • Informal learning: Informal learning or experiential learning is learning that is unstructured and most of the time unplanned, which takes place away from the traditional and formal classroom settings. According to the 70-20-10 model for Learning and Development, the bulk of our learning (70%) is Experiential Learning followed by Social Learning (20%) and only 10% of learning is through structured or Formal Learning. Organizations need to create an environment that fosters this type of learning and encourages experience and knowledge sharing. We train our clients on how to develop a learning culture and create forums to encourage social learning.