Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Immersive Learning

  • Story-Based Learning: Humans are narrative beings. They are intrigued by interesting stories. We use a holistic learner-centered approach to deliberately design experiences that encourage transformation and drive attitudinal change. Our story-based approach simplifies complex subjects and aids the decision-making process.
  • Video-Based Learning: This is a cost-effective training approach which provides a simpler and practical learning experience. We understand that learners prefer flexible and bite-sized learning that helps them learn and multi-task at the same time. We therefore create short, learner focused videos to supplement your formal training.
  • Scenario-Based Learning: Scenario-based learning hones learners’ skills and helps them respond more effectively when faced with a similar situation on the job. We merge scenario-based learning with instructional design to meet various training needs.
  • Gamification: Gamification entails using game mechanics, elements, and principles and applying them to non-game contexts to engage users better. L & D teams need to incorporate gamification into employee training, recruitment, evaluation to ensure organizational productivity.  We can provide you with learning experiences that are packed with stimulating challenges,  influence behavioral change and trigger change in thinking.