Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Training Delivery

  • Virtual Learning: Virtual training provides a more flexible schedule and is more cost effective. We provide training solutions that are user friendly and can be easily customized for different roles. 
  • Personalized Learning: Personalized training aims at ensuring that learners have easy access to relevant and specific content that is customized to meet their personal and professional needs. The ability for learners to be in control of the learning process offers greater learner flexibility and engagement opportunities. Our needs-based assessment strategy helps us provide accurate learner-specific content.
  • MicroLearning:  In the corporate training environment where there is a need for rapid transition from theoretical knowledge to practical hands-on experience, microlearning is ideal as it provides information in bite-sized formats to achieve a specific objective. Our microlearning services provide highly contextual and easily accessible messages geared towards meeting learners’ immediate goals.
  • Localization: Our pool of translators provide translation of resources to various languages. We use native translators to help you regionalize and convert your supporting resources into multiple languages to include region-specific scenarios, case studies and examples.