Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Knowledge Management Governance

Governance is frequently the missing element in Knowledge Management. Those companies most successful in the field, are very often those where Knowledge Management is fully embedded, with a clear Knowledge Management governance system.


The purpose of developing a Knowledge Management governance system is to ensure that KM is fully embedded as an expected, owned, measured and rewarded component of business operations.


With input from your senior management team, we will work with your KM team to develop a set of governance systems and processes to be part of your Knowledge Management Framework. Knowledge management governance elements will include;

  • A set of clear corporate expectations, expressed as a Knowledge Management Policy
  • Clear accountabilities for all elements of Knowledge Management
  • A set of Knowledge Management metrics (including value metrics, application metrics and activity metrics), and a reporting structure
  • A performance management system for KM, linked into the existing performance management structure.


The benefits of strong Knowledge Management governance come through the long term sustainability of your knowledge management program. With no governance, KM remains an “optional extra” which people can easily ignore.

Contact us for more information