Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Knowledge Management Organizational Design

One important part of Knowledge Management planning is to get an idea of the KM organizational structures that will need to be in place. For many of our clients, understanding the organizational design is an important early step in understanding the Knowledge Management framework.


There will need to be a structure of roles and accountabilities which will drive and support KM. This service defines the roles that need to be in place, what they are accountable for, where they should be located, and who they should report to.


The organizational design is based, where possible, on the results of the Knowledge Management assessment, strategy, and framework. We will work with your in-house team to collect data through interviews, and define;

  • The roles accountable for knowledge within projects and operations.
  • The requirement for knowledge managers and knowledge engineers doing the nuts and bolts of knowledge transactions, for example managing the lesson-learning process.
  • The expertise-focused roles, in the supporting functions – knowledge owners, SMEs and community facilitators
  • The requirement for central KM roles, with responsibility for auditing and process
  • A CKO or similar role, accountable for the knowledge management framework itself.

We can work with you to define what your KM organization will look like, how it will work, and who will take each role.


If there are no roles, then Knowledge Management becomes “nobody’s responsibility”. The KM organizational design is a core component of building a sustainable KM framework.

Contact us for more information