Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Knowledge Management Policy Development

A good Knowledge Management policy will enable Knowledge Management to be embedded within the structure and culture of the organization, and should be an objective of the later stages of your KM program. The KM Policy needs to be set at the right level. It needs to be just sufficient to deliver the required KM value, without loading too much onerous process onto the business. We can help you craft a Knowledge Management Policy document tailored to your organizational context.

Knowledge Management Policy Purpose

The Knowledge Management Policy sets the standard for Knowledge Management within an organization. It ensures that everyone knows what is expected of them in terms of Knowledge Management, and why this is important to the organization.

Knowledge Management Policy Method

The Knowledge Management policy is developed either

  1.  in a workshop where we work with your Knowledge Management team and other key stakeholders to address the policy elements, or
  2.  through a series of strategic interviews with your senior managers.

The workshop will ideally be informed by the results of a Knowledge Management Assessment and Benchmarking exercise, and by pilot testing of a Knowledge Management Framework. The policy document is presented to, and discussed with, senior management, before sign-off.

The policy document will cover elements such as

  • Business policy statement for KM
  • Accountabilities
  • Required behaviours
  • Required processes
  • Applicability
  • Linkage with other policies, if appropriate

Knowledge Management Policy Benefits

The benefits of a good KM Policy come in setting clear expectations for all staff, against which performance can be managed and judged.The policy forms a core component of KM governance, and is vital for long-term embedding of KM in the organzsational structures, processes and culture.

Contact us for more information