Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Lessons Learned system design

Implementing an effective lessons learned system is a key component of knowledge management, and a primary driver for continuous performance improvement. However many companies have found that successfully implementing a lessons learned system is not easy. Maybe they have a lessons database, but no lessons are coming in. Or they have a lessons database, and it’s full of rubbish. Or they have a lessons database full of good quality lessons, and yet nothing ever seems to change, and the same ‘mistakes’ are made over and over in the business.

Lessons Learned system purpose

We can help you design an effective lessons learned system, involving processes, accountabilities, lessons workflow and supporting technology, so that new lessons are routinely identified, and carried forward into action to improve the working processes of the company. We base our approach on the idea that a lesson is not an end in itself. A lesson is a temporary step along the way to a process, or to a process improvement, and that a lesson is not learned until something changes as a result.

Lessons Learned system design method

The Lessons Learned system design will be based on an assessment of your current lessons learned capabilities, an analysis of your work methods and organizational structure, and a knowledge of effective lessons learned systems applied in mature learning organizations.

We will suggest a system for ensuring quality lessons are identified, documented, carried forward into change, and embedded into organizational procedure. The system will contain the four key elements of

  • roles and accountabilities,
  • processes,
  • supporting technology, and
  • Governance.


The benefits of an effective lessons learned system are huge. Lessons learned, when applied routinely and systematically to improve organizational processes and procedures, can result in benefits such as

  • lower costs,
  • less waste and rework,
  • faster, safer and cleaner operations, and/or
  • happier customers.

Contact us for more information