Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

African Knowledge Nexus

This is a seasonal educational session on proven African KM practices and strategies that aims at sharing the most beneficial techniques on the way forward in the KM world. This provides experts, researchers and practitioners with tips and ideas on:

  • Improving the efficiency of the organization’s operating units and business processes.
  • Increasing both employee and client satisfaction and reducing the cost of services by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge.
  • Facilitating the availability and access to accurate information.
  • Curating, storing, sharing, using and maintaining knowledge, information and data throughout the organization.
  • Enabling and encouraging the sharing of ideas, and access to the latest information to enable individuals to stimulate innovation and the cultural changes needed to evolve the organization and meet changing business needs.
  • Improving the quality of management decision-making by ensuring that reliable and secure knowledge is available and easily accessible to relevant stakeholders throughout.