Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

The Open Digital Academy for Young Africans

ODAYA (Open Digital Academy for Young Africans)

This is an online demand-driven digital training initiative for African Youth, whose goal is to upscale digital skills in order to increase access to employment. Targeting students and young professionals, these workshops impart a blend of digital and soft skills to young Africans using online group activities and coaching. Founded on the open movement principles of transparency, participation and collaboration, these online digital workshops provide youths with:

  • Free access to unique demand-driven digital trainings from experienced digital experts from across the world;
  • Free access to an online community of digital enthusiasts and technologists where you can receive or give support to improve your digital skills and advance in your career;
  • Free access to digital resources and tech-related job opportunities;
  • Possibility of sharing their expertise and contributing to African youth development.

Whether you are looking forward to negotiating a new contract, creating beneficial partnerships or presenting your new idea to colleagues, your ability to harness your digital skills is very vital. Through ODAYA, you will be developing and improving your digital skills and enhance the smooth running of your projects.