Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Knowledge Management pilots

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A key component of your knowledge management strategy involves running some Knowledge Management pilot projects. A Knowledge Management pilot project is a project where knowledge management can be applied within the business, to address a specific business problem, and to deliver measurable results, and also to act as a proving ground for Knowledge Management within the business.

Knowledge Management pilot purpose

Knowledge Management pilot projects are valuable at three stages during implementation.

  • During the earliest stages (Assessment or Pre-Assessment), to deliver proof of concept. At this stage you are not answering “How does Knowledge Management work for us”, rather seeking to answer “Would Knowledge Management work for us at all?”
  • During the Selection phase, in order to test specific Knowledge Management tools and techniques, to answer the question “Would this Knowledge Management tool or process form part of our Knowledge Management framework? If so, what modification would it need?”
  • In order to validate and perfect the Knowledge Management framework. At this stage you are seeking to ask the question “What changes do we need to make to our Knowledge Management framework before finalizing it for roll-out?”

Knowledge Management pilot method

We will work with your KM team to help you develop an understanding of the key knowledge areas within your organization, the important stakeholders and the potential early adopters. We will then work with selected stakeholders to select and define Knowledge Management pilot projects that will serve as the template for other projects and applications in your organization.If required, we can work with you to deliver the Knowledge Management pilot projects.

Knowledge Management pilot benefits

A successful high-profile Knowledge Management pilot project is usually a break-through moment for Knowledge Management, delivering not only a proof of concept, but also a test of the proposed Knowledge Management Framework (or selected elements of that Framework).

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