Afropolitanis_Christian Elongue

Lessons Capture services

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Continuous improvement in business results requires that learning from current and past projects be passed on to future projects. Captured lessons are however often disappointing, being poor quality, devoid of context, and often with a political spin. Lessons capture facilitation is a specialist skill, and one which many companies have not yet developed.

Kabod Group has that skill.


The purpose of this service is to offer you the highest quality lessons learned facilitation service, using skilled facilitators with many years of experience in capturing and documenting lessons from major projects. We will take away the hard work from your own project team, and plan the lessons capture workshop, facilitate the discussion, and document the lessons for your team to review. We use lessons capture approaches and documentation templates based on other state-of-the-art lesson learning systems.


We employ the Retrospect process; a proven way to bring out the key knowledge and experience developed by a project team, and capture it as lessons for future reuse and the benefit of future projects. By facilitating a lesson learned dialogue within the whole team, we will capture the lessons and knowledge that arise from team interactions – knowledge that any one individual may be unaware of, but which the team as a whole knows.

Retrospects are face-to-face meetings that take place as soon as possible after a project is completed. The duration varies depending on the number of people, duration, and complexity of the project, but is usually between 4 hours and 3 days.

Where a project or project team is particularly large, we can supplement the Retrospect process with individual interviews.


Implementing an effective lessons learned approach is a key component of knowledge management, and a primary driver for continuous performance improvement. Our lessons capture facilitation service will ensure that the lessons that get into the lessons management system are of the highest quality and the greatest value.

Contact us for more information