Job Vacancy: LMS Specialist for eLearning Projects

Christian Elongue Consulting is recruiting a Learning Management System (LMS) Administrator to provides technical leadership in support of an eLearning course implemented on the SAP Success Factor learning management system. This position require an eLearning professional with at least one year experience on SAP Success Factor LMS and must be based either in Ghana or Ivory Coast.

Human Right Priority

Reflections on 2021 Africa Human Rights Day

The 2021 Africa Human Rights Day is celebrated amidst the global COVID19 pandemic. The experience of many people across the continent also shows that COVID19 has brought a huge human and peoples’ rights consequences. The pandemic has highlighted the pervasiveness of the socio-economic deprivations affecting the masses of our people. We have come to realize that under such conditions of deep structural weaknesses of our societies, the most widely used public health response measures could not be effectively implemented, without leaving the most vulnerable from the scope of these protection measures. How can someone with no access to drinking water comply with the public health call for handwashing? How can someone with no shelter comply with the public health requirement of staying at home?This year’s commemoration of Africa Human Rights Day organised by Human Rights Priority by the executive Director Miguele Houeto and her entire team (Achille Fatondji, Jaly Badiane etc.), is an important occasion to reflect on these and related issues. It presents us the opportunity to show not only why COVID19 is also essentially a human rights issue but also why human and peoples’ rights are the foundation for achieving the ideal of Agenda 2063 and the sustainable development goals of ‘leaving no one behind’

Job Vacancy: Executive Assistant

Christian Elongue Consulting (CEC) is a consulting firm specialized in the provision of eLearning, research and knowledge management solutions for private, corporate and global development organisations. With increasing associates and operations across Africa and Europe, the company is currently recruiting an executive assistant. nterested applicants should send CV and motivation letter to with “Executive Assistant” as title before 24 October 2021 at 11:59pm GMT.


4 proven key steps to conduct a Knowledge Management Audit in Africa

Daily, your organization is increasingly building valuable knowledge and experience. But how well are you capturing, documenting and sharing it? As your information and knowledge capitals grows, so does the importance of developing a knowledge management strategy. The first step as you begin to execute your strategy is to take inventory of how knowledge is used and stored. A knowledge audit is an incredibly valuable exercise for a number of reasons. In this article, I’m sharing my experiences of conducting this assignment with companies from Africa

Open Digital Academy for Young Africans

Apply Now for the Open Digital Academy for Young Africans (ODAYA)

The need for upscaling digital skills is now pressing than ever in Africa. To ensure positive economic growth and development that benefits all citizens, Africa must make big strides in digital literacy. In Sub Saharan Africa, 230 million jobs will require digital skills by 2030, according to the Digital Skills in Sub-Saharan Africa report . This translates …

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12 alternative funding models for csos_christian elongue consulting

How could nonprofits mobilise financial resources during and after COVID-19?

I facilitated a session on “Integrating alternative financing models to strengthen 3rd Sector Resilience in a Post Pandemic West Africa”, during the 2021 DAAD Alumni Conference. Aside the traditional channel of funding, there are 12 proven models of mobilizing resources for any civil society organisations in Africa, no matter its size, staff or strength.

De la contribution des universités africaines au marché mondial des MOOCs en 2020

Dans le précédent article, j’indiquais certaines initiatives francophones – comme le programme MOOCs Afrique – nées pour faciliter et contribuer à la production et promotion de l’éducation numérique, et particulièrement le développement des MOOCs. De pareilles initiatives ont donné naissance à des MOOC collaboratifs portés par des universités ou établissements supérieur africain en partenariat avec …

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Mooc Afrique_Christian Elongue

Analyse des institutions francophones produisant des MOOCs en Afrique

Les MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses – Cours en Ligne Ouvert et Massif) sont des cours éducatifs en ligne auxquels un nombre illimité d’apprenants peuvent accéder. Ils sont fournis par des entreprises privées, des organisations à but non lucratif, des institutions gouvernementales et des universités du monde entier. Si la plupart d’entre eux sont payants, …

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