EVENT REPORT “How Can We Better Leverage Machine Translation Strategically in Africa?”

EVENT REPORT “How Can We Better Leverage Machine Translation Strategically in Africa?”     Introduction Africa’s linguistic diversity, with over 2,000 languages spoken across the continent, presents unique challenges and …

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  • comscoms
  • July 12, 2024
  • 7 minutes Read
Nduku Musyimi-Mulumba from Mbôngi Ya Ubuntu and a strong advocate for the KiUbuntu language  

Explore the mission of Mbôngi Ya Ubuntu and its efforts to promote KiUbuntu (commonly known as Kiswahili) as a unifying language for African people globally. In this insightful interview with Nduku Musyimi-Mulumba, learn about the significance of preserving African languages, the challenges faced in promoting KiUbuntu, and the organization’s vision for fostering pan-African unity through language. Discover how technology and grassroots efforts are being used to reclaim and evolve this important cultural heritage.

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Preserving African Languages Through Technology: A Conversation with Dr. Grant McNulty, Director of iAfrika Making The Web More African

Kabod is a language service provider specialising in providing quality language services in African and other Western languages. Our primary goal is to elevate African culture through our languages. Dr. …

Read morePreserving African Languages Through Technology: A Conversation with Dr. Grant McNulty, Director of iAfrika Making The Web More African

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