A learning history is a knowledge asset created through the collation, synthesis and analysis of several 1-1 interviews with members of any team that have shared an experience such as a major project, an entry into a new market, a merger or acquisition, or opening an office in a new country.
The Learning History records the team’s knowledge and experience for future reference by other teams. It is a source of both advice and lessons for the future.
Our process for a learning history contains the following elements:
- Knowledge-gathering Interviews are conducted with all key team members and stakeholders
- Transcripts are reviewed and edited by interviewees
- Final versions are analysed with key themes and recommendations identified
- A knowledge asset is produced, organised thematically with interview quotes and other supporting evidence throughout
- Where appropriate, lessons may be identified for future action.
Learning histories provide clients with the following benefits:
- High-value/low-impact learning with minimal time impact for interviewees
- Guidance for the future
- A project or activity history to illustrate the guidance
- A record of interviewees for future reference (i.e. new project teams etc.)